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Victor the Pug

Meet Victor, the friendly pug! He comes in the form of a manifold triangle mesh with two holes. Feel free to download it here and use it, according to the terms of the CC BY 4.0 License.

Since the time I started a software called MOPS (Mesh Optimization and Processing System, predecessor of RapidCompact) when still being a PhD student, colleagues associated me with pugs (MOPS = German for "pug"). The mesh was modeled in Blender, with the help of some pug pictures. I applied some sculpting tools to add detail and then simplified it using the MOPS software itself. The name Victor is a reference to the great German humorist Loriot (to me the "German Monty Python"), whos name contained "Viktor" and who loved to integrate pugs into his cartoons and sketches. I also used the Victor mesh as an example to compare different unwrapping algorithms - I still think it's a great test for those, because of the following:

Here's for example a result from a conformal unwrapper:

conformal unwrapping

And here's an isometric one:

isometric unwrapping

If you want to learn more about pugs, check out my respective talk from the un-distinguished lecture series (UDLS) at UBC. Finally, if you are interested in having a happy pug yourself, consider getting a retro pug, which is a modern breed that may look a bit less funny, but is striving to restore some of the original health and quality of life of these dogs.

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