picture of me

Hi, I'm Max.

I'm a Germany-based entrepreneur with more than a decade of professional experience in the 3D graphics industry. On this website, I am collecting my insights, articles, and resources on 3D graphics tech and on building a startup. Enjoy your stay!

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More About Me

Since 2018, I am CEO, Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of DGG, the startup that creates RapidPipeline (previously known as RapidCompact). In the past 5+ years, I have guided the company through three successful funding rounds, scaling to seven-figure annual revenue.

Before founding my own company, I worked on industry projects and in applied research. I received my engineering PhD with honors from TU Darmstadt, under the supervision of Dieter W. Fellner, on the topic of Automatic Optimization of 3D Mesh Data for Real-Time Online Presentation. In 2019, it was awarded with the Hugo Geiger Prize of the Fraunhofer Society (1st place). During my research work, I also spent 6 months at Alla Sheffer's Digital Geometry Processing Group at UBC (Vancouver, BC, Canada), and another half year at Siemens Corporate Research (Princeton, NY, USA).

If you want to contact me, please write an email to my ACM address: max.limper ( at ) siggraph.org

Latest Website Updates

  • 2024-05-25: improved article: building a tech startup in the 3d space: 3 lessons learned
  • 2024-05-05: new article: building a tech startup in the 3d space: 3 lessons learned
  • 2024-01-21: new homepage: responsive design, new landing page, content re-organized
  • 2022-01-07: new art / 3D model: victor the pug
  • 2022-01-07: new publication on MR & AR for educators (Book chapter, in German)
  • 2019-09-27: slides and video from SIGGRAPH '19 glTF BOF added
  • 2019-09-27: slides and video from SIGGRAPH '19 glTF BOF added
  • 2018-10-10: new publication: Efficient Global Registration (VMV 2018)
  • 2018-10-10: PhD thesis added
  • 2018-10-04: reference to DGG added
  • 2018-05-25: new publication: Box Cutter (SIGGRAPH 2018)
  • 2018-03-18: new article: Mesh Topology Analysis using the Euler Characteristic
  • 2018-03-11: updated saliency demo
  • 2018-03-04: link to 2014 SRC presentation slides and video
  • 2018-02-26: added diploma thesis PDF
  • 2017-08-12: slides for SIGGRAPH glTF BOF talk online
  • 2017-05-06: new article: 3D In Every-Day Life
  • 2017-03-04: slides for GDC Khronos Meetup talk online, Tech section merged into publications
  • 2016-06-01: source code for EG 2016 paper (mesh saliency) online
  • 2016-05-07: new publication and tech demo:
    saliency-aware mesh simplification (EG 2016)
  • 2015-12-19: new tech article:
    transforms and volumes in scene graphs
  • 2015-04-07: two new publications:
    Web3D 2015 and chapter in WebGL Insights
  • 2015-04-07: new publication:
    chapter in real-world visual computing book
  • 2015-01-31: new tech article:
    batched rendering with WebGL 1.0
  • 2014-08-21: page online